Website Accessibility

Web Access is For EVERYBODY.


Did You Know?

People with disabilities account for $500 Billion in disposable income

With this in mind… Is your website helping you reach ALL your customers? Not sure why this matters? 

Simple. Every body should be able to enjoy the internet!  

That’s why Muldrow Marketing is excited to offer an accessibility feature for your website.


noun [ak-ses-uhbiluh-tee]

The inclusive practice of ensuring there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to, websites on the Internet by people with physical and/or cognitive disabilities.

Why This Matters

Every body should be able to enjoy and connect with brands on the internet.

In the United States, 1 in 4 adults have some type of disability. 

  • 6.1% of U.S. adults have difficulty hearing or are considered to be deaf 
  • 4.8%  of U.S. adults have serious difficulty seeing or are considered to be blind
  • 12.1 % of U.S. adults have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs.

All of these people are ready and eager to visit your website. Make sure you’re ready for them. 

take it for a spin

It’s pretty darn cool!

Just click on the circle accessibility icon found at the bottom left of this page to see some of the cool capabilities in real-time.

How Can Muldrow Marketing Help?

Begin with a Free Website Audit which includes checking for:

  • Vision-Impaired Access
  • Website Navagability
  • ADA Compliance
  • and more!

Claim Your Free Website Audit Here

Fill out the form below for your complimentary website audit

We do not sell or share your information. Someone from our company may reach out to you to review the results of your website audit. No obligation or purchase necessary.